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Pain defined as a multi-system sensation, both physical and emotional, and its origin is unknown. Pain is part of our survival mechanism, a kind of internal alarm, to divert our attention to a particular area or our resources to repair.

Pain is produced and registered in the brain. No matter what type of pain we felt or how long we had it, it's not registered in the body but in the "computer" that operates us- our brain.

When the pain is active, noticeable, all our attention is drawn to it. Pay attention to what beliefs and thoughts accompany it. "It's probably going to hurt forever", "something is really wrong with me", "there is no way out of it". Within the circle of pain our beliefs are negative (most of the time) and our outlook is constricted. We just want it to stop hurting but sometimes we find it hard to believe that it is possible at all. Especially if we've tried to treat it and it didn't help or if the problem returned.

Pain is not a bad thing.


"We get used to our stories and keep telling them even when reality has changed, when a different story is woven  underneath, under the old skin. Instead of changing the skin we hold on to the old snakeskin."

Gabi Nitzan

Our body is programmed to repair itself, without us being aware of it. Cells divide, debris cleared, wounds heal, and all this without us giving it attention or stopping the flow of life.

But sometimes a sign appears saying "Stop" - pain we cannot ignore, something that refuses to leave and disrupts the quality of our life. Whether the pain came from an external trauma, injury, or just one day we woke up with it, the healing process begins when we are willing to deal with it. Most people notice they have a body only when something hurts, and they listen to it in correlation to the intensity of the disorder.

You can distinguish between two main types of pain:

Acute pain


Any pain you feel for a short period of time with high intensity (from the time of the injury and up to a month after) and is typical to damaged tissue. The pain you feel is due to temporary reduction in the oxygen supply to the tissues, which creates pressure on the blood vessels of the nervous system. In this kind of situation you will be encouraged to rest, get a treatment, and slowly return to normal activity.

Chronic pain


Any kind of prolonged pain (felt for several months or more) and usually the reason for the pain and when it started is forgotten. In This type of pain the tissue damage has already passed, but the brain continues to produce the sensation of pain. Most of the body tissues heal within 3-6 months, so the pain is coming from the nervous system and not from sensitivity in the tissue, and in this case most people will adapt and accept the pain (as part of life) out of despair. This kind of pain is more complex hence it needs longer and deeper process, examining our patterns of behavior in our daily life and training our brain and nervous system.

It doesn't matter what kind of pain we are feeling, physical or mental, any pain is an invitation for a change. This is our system calling us to find our balance.

In his book "healing back pain" Dr. John Sarno writes:

"In the early 70's, I started to question the conventional diagnosis of shoulder, neck and back pain and therefore the efficiency of the suggested treatment. From a closer look at the problem it was clear the main tissue damaged from the pain is the back muscles (from the neck to the buttocks). This correlated the research of all those taking about fibromyalgia, fibrosis and myofascial pain. From my experience with patients and from literature I have concluded these disorders  are all part of  tension myositis syndrome (TMS) . It is a muscle pain caused by tension and it can cause painful but not harmful changes in the muscle".

Dr. Sarno claims many of the musculoskeletal pain and muscle ache is caused by stress. He found with his vast experience in his clinic, over the years, that in back pain for example, the main tissue that involved in the problem is the fascia and not changes  in the bone and structur. as oposed to the chiropracts and conventional ordopedics that rely on manipulations of the spine without considering the fascia  and muscles are the ones holding and affecting the spine state.

In the body there is no clear separation between the mental and the physical and when we feel pain the same transmitter in the brain signals to deal we it. In state of stress, anxiety etc. the brain makes changes so we develop a stomach ache , back ache etc. so we won't look and act like a walking nervous wreck. Meaning it is not possible to treat one without the other and the therapeutic approach should be holistic and treat the person as a whole.

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